CIS Compliance Summit 2024
Mastering the wave of regulations together.
Navigating the cybersecurity sea
2024 is a year full of developments for the information and cyber security industry. New regulations here, adapted guidelines there. Key regulations include NIS-2 (Network and Information Security Systems Act), the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange).
How can companies and organizations maintain an overview and stay on course? In which direction do they need to navigate and how can they stay at the helm even when faced with the biggest waves of requirements? Where does the free program end and the duty begin? At the CIS Compliance Summit, we use practical tips and examples to answer questions, provide clarity and ensure that the horizon can be seen clearly again.
Staying on the (secure) course
Together with experts and participants at the CIS Compliance Summit on October 10, 2024 at the Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna, we will shed light on current developments in the field of information and cyber security and answer the most pressing questions. Together, we can overcome the challenges of today and tomorrow and set lighthouses that provide guidance in the murky cyber security sea.
Join us for a day of concentrated know-how, practical keynotes and first-hand best practices. Top speakers will take a look at social developments and trends and set sail in the direction of clarifying guidelines: from A for Artificial Intelligence Act to Digital Operational Resilience Act and TISAX® to Z for certifications according to ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 42001 and Co.
At the CIS Compliance Summit, legal requirements, best use cases and mistakes will be highlighted to provide guidance. The event also offers the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with like-minded people, many exhibitors and experts from the industry.
The “CISO of the Year” will also be chosen at the event - bringing the country's Chief Information Security Officers and their unique projects to the fore. Be there when the secret of the 2024 winner is revealed!
Stay on course with us and let us successfully navigate through the flood of requirements - register for the CIS Compliance Summit now!
To participate at the event a binding registration is needed.
Please note that all talks will be held in German language. Simultenous translation will not be provided.
The online registration ist closed. If you wish to register at short notice, we would be happy to welcome you at the on-site registration.
The registration fee for the CIS Summit is EUR 290,- excl. VAT. After the event you will receive a voucher in the value of EUR 290,- which can be used for the public training offer of CIS. The voucher can be used to book public trainings and exams (booking by 31.12.2024; the training or exam can also take place in 2025). The voucher is not personalized and can therefore also be passed on to your colleagues.
However, we offer the possibility of a participation free of charge for the groups of persons outlined below.:
- CIS customers
- Candidates of the „CISO of the Year“ competition and their colleagues from the same organization
- Invited guests
- People interested in the topics of security, privacy and continuity who have an increased need for information within their company
- CIS und qualityaustria auditors und trainers
- Invited media representatives and editors
We kindly ask for your understanding, that other persons are not eligible for a registration free of charge.
We are pleased to offer your organization the opportunity to become a sponsor of our event – please don't hesitate to contact us for further information.
Registration deadline: Sunday, October 6th 2024
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Moderation: Robert Jamnik, Head of Audit Services, CIS
Location: Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen, Wien
Note: All talks will be held in German language, no simultaneous translation provided.
from 09:00: welcome
09:30: opening
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Harald Erkinger, Geschäftsführer, CIS
Mag. Christoph Mondl, Geschäftsführer, Quality Austria
10:00: Digitale Ethik
Prof. Dr. Sarah Spiekermann, Leiterin Institut für Informationssysteme & Gesellschaft, WU Wien
10:35: Verleihung CISO of the Year
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Harald Erkinger, Geschäftsführer, CIS
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Simon Tjoa, Institut für IT Sicherheitsforschung, FH St. Pölten, CIS Komitee, Vorsitzender der Jury
11:00: coffee break
11:30: CIS Summit Veranstaltungspartner*innen
Robert Jamnik, Head of Audit Services, CIS
11:45: Brücke oder Maschinendeck? Führungskompetenz von CISOs im Cybersecurity-Meer
Andreas Tomek, Partner, Advisory, KPMG Austria
12:10: Resilienz im Fokus: Krisenmanagement neu gedacht!
Marcel Lehner, CSO, Wiener Stadtwerke (Gewinner CISO of the Year 2023)
12:35: Durchforsten des EU-Vorgaben-Dschungels zur Informationssicherheit
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Herfried Geyer, FH St.-Pölten, CIS Auditor & Trainer
12:55: Integrierter Lösungsansatz für Security Compliance Management im Strudel neuer Gesetze, Normen und Richtlinien
Michael Krausz, CEO & CCO, i.s.c. Group, CIS Auditor
13:15: lunch break
14:15: KI-Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Sicherheitsdokumenten & Checklisten. Am Beispiel NIS-2 Umsetzung eines Gesundheitsbetriebs.
Manfred Pascher, Geschäftsführen-der Gesellschafter, MP2 IT-Solutions
14:35: NIS-2 und Supply Chain Security
Lukas Kulmitzer, CISO, eurofunk Kappacher GmbH
14:55: Datenschutz im Incident
Mag. iur. Dzevad Mujezinovic, CIPP/E, CISM, Principal Consultant: Privacy and Information Security, Certainity GmbH
15:15: Rechenzentrumsdienstleistungen im Kontext Enterprise-IT
Georg Chytil, Vorstand Austrian Data Center Association (ADCA), Geschäftsführer Nextlayer
15:35: coffee break
16:05: ISO 42001 - Künstliche Intelligenz Zertifizierung
Robert Jamnik, Head of Audit Services, CIS
16:25: closing remarks
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Harald Erkinger, Geschäftsführer, CIS
16:30: Spielregeln des Erfolgs
Toni Polster, Sportlegende und Experte für Spitzenleistung
from 17:15: business networking
Thursday, 10th October 2024Registration deadline: 6th October 2024
Austria Trend Hotel SavoyenRennweg 16
1030 Wien
The registration fee is EUR 290,- excl. VAT.A participation free of charge is possible for certain groups of persons.
The online registration ist closed. If you wish to register at short notice, we would be happy to welcome you at the on-site registration.