Product portfolio

Blockchain Assessment

Security and trust for your technical blockchain solution

Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) have shown that they have the potential to revolutionalize the digital world and offer a real added value to organizations and their customers. Practically all industries are currently experimenting with its use in a variety of use cases including financial services such as safekeeping of digital assets, proofs of identity, supply chain management, traceability and more. As use cases move from pilot phase to production, questions arise regarding risks and controls. DLT itself are considered tamper-proof, however, solutions based on technology are subject to risks, just like any other IT implementation.

We review the application of the Distributed Ledger Technology as needed in terms of its organizational and technical implementation, and take into account the relevant requirements regarding information security and IT Service Management (ISO 27001 and ISO 20000). This increases the transparency of your solution and creates trust among your Blockchain participants and customers.

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Portraitfoto Robert Jamnik

Mr. Robert Jamnik

Head of Audit Services, Lead Auditor ISO 20000, ISO 27001 and NISV

+43 1 532 98 90