Information Security

Refresher course for IS managers and IS auditors


The world of standards around information security is on the move. The Refresher course will focus on the recent versions of the standards for information security ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002. Beyond that the topic business continuity management is more and more important.

Just as in the world of standards, information security is constantly being optimized in your company - new questions become topical, new objectives are added. And all this with a view to efficient and economically viable implementation.

This Refresher course for IS managers and IS auditors covers two aspects:

  • Updates relating to relevant innovations of the series of standards ISO 27k
  • Workshop for further development of ISMS with questions from your own work environment

CIS trainers will be at your disposal in order to discuss case studies and requirements according to ISO 27001 from your own work environment in small groups in a well-aimed manner.

  • Further development of ISMS acc. to ISO 27001 / ISO 27002
  • Requirements placed by the standards and their effective implementation in practice
  • New supplementary standards, new contents of standards within the series of standards ISO 27000
  • New methods and lessons learned by the international community
  • Internal and external audits: synergies and optimizing the system thanks to structured processes
  • Strategic and organizational development
  • Questions from participants about internal implementation
Prolongation of the certificate

The validity of the CIS certificates is limited to three years. After a Refreshing course has been attended, the examination according to the training standard EN ISO/IEC 17024 has been passed successfully and the required time of practical experience has been demonstrated, an application for prolongation for additional three years can be filed.

If a person applying for the certificate wants to have other trainings credited, it is necessary to have the equivalence of these trainings with the certification program stated. For stating this equivalence, a separate written application will have to be filed. A presentation of the trainings completed and a comparison with the requirements placed by the certification program (IS-Refresher) will have to be enclosed to this application. Further the required time of practical experience has been demonstrated.

A qualification check is carried out to verify conformity with regard to the certification program and the up-to-dateness of the references provided by the certificate applicant. This consists of an oral technical discussion of 30 to 60 minutes duration and is conducted by an evaluator. The defined training contents according to the certification program (IS-Refresher) are used as a basis. Personal certificates in accordance with the ISO 27000 group of standards serve as proof of competence that the qualification is constantly maintained through professional practice and further training. CIS certificates are state-recognized credentials and are respected in the business world.

Here you will find information on the prolongation criteria.

Goals and benefits
  • Updating: relevant innovations of the series of standards ISO 27000
  • Further development of ISMS with questions from your own work environment
  • Exchange of experience in small groups of IS Managers and Auditors
  • Prolongation of the certificate for additional three years

2 days, 09:00 – 17:00

Participation fee

The participation fee for the refresher course incl. examination and prolongation of the certificate, is € 1.490,- (excl. VAT).


Proof of professional experience (for all certificates):

As proof of professional practice (e.g. confirmation by the employer, interim certificate, self-declaration, etc.), 3 years of professional practice in the area of validity "Information Security" must be proven in accordance with the period of validity of the certificate.

Proof of audit experience (required for the "Auditor" certificates)

  • Proof of 4 years of professional experience, including 2 years in the field of information security
  • 4 completed/accompanied IS audits with a total of at least 20 audit days (incl. preparation and follow-up)


17.02.2025 to 18.02.2025
 1.590,00Regulärer Preis
exklusive 20% MwSt.
24.03.2025 to 25.03.2025
 1.590,00Regulärer Preis
exklusive 20% MwSt.
05.05.2025 to 06.05.2025
 1.590,00Regulärer Preis
exklusive 20% MwSt.
22.09.2025 to 23.09.2025
 1.590,00Regulärer Preis
exklusive 20% MwSt.
13.10.2025 to 14.10.2025
 1.590,00Regulärer Preis
exklusive 20% MwSt.
24.11.2025 to 25.11.2025
 1.590,00Regulärer Preis
exklusive 20% MwSt.

Please note that deviations from the new course program may arise in terms of content and participation fees.

+43 1 532 98 90