Review according to NISG

NIS-2 Management Training


Ready for the NIS-2 Directive?

On 17 October 2024, the European NIS-2 Directive will come into force to strengthen cyber defence within the EU. Preparations are in full swing and the legal text is also currently being drafted in Austria.

For managers such as managing directors, owners and risk officers, this not only entails an increased liability risk, but also the obligation to undergo further training in the area of cyber security. This legally binding information security training for management bodies must be implemented by 17 October 2024. We offer this customised training with experts from the field in order to provide you with the most important core content and action points in a nutshell.



  1. We clarify your company requirements in a preparatory meeting (with CISO)
  2. Your training is customised to your company
  3. Learn compactly and effectively in the approx. two-hour training course (with management bodies)
  4. We then confirm your participation with a CIS certificate of attendance (for the management bodies)
Your benefits
  • Comprehensive practical relevance tailored to your company
  • Understanding of legal liability and requirements
  • Risk management and identification of risk minimisation measures
  • Promotion of a security culture within the company
  • Effective incident response for security incidents
  • Continuous improvement of security practices

Manfred Spanner, MSc
Thomas Mann

Target group

Managers, business owners, proprietors and risk managers


3.900€ (excl. 20% VAT) per organisation

Inhouse training

This training is only offered on request - as in-house training! Please contact us via


We are happy to offer public as well as in-house trainings on request and look forward to hearing from you.

Please note that deviations from the new course program may arise in terms of content and participation fees.

Our Experts

Impartial. Competent. Trustworthy.

+43 1 532 98 90